
A. W. Tozer, “The Knowledge of the Holy”

Knowledge of the Holy by A.W. Tozer The Knowledge of the Holy by popular evangelical author and Christian mystic A.W. Tozer illuminates God’s attributes—from wisdom, to grace, to mercy—and in doing so, attempts to restore the majesty and wonder of God in the hearts and minds of all Christians. A modern classic of Christian testimony and devotion, The Knowledge of the Holy shows us how we can rejuvenate our prayer life, meditate more reverently, understand God more deeply, and experience God’s presence in our daily lives.

The Knowledge of the Holy explores the attributes of God in words that fly straight to the heart. A superb aid to strengthening and deepening the spiritual life, each chapter begins with a prayer, lucidly discusses a divine aspect–from God’s infinity to God’s love–and relates that aspect to today’s world, while pointing always to God’s wonder and inscrutability. Tozer asserts that the cause of many of our modern spiritual woes is the loss in today’s church of a lofty concept of God. He argues persuasively that the cure lies in our rediscovery of God’s majesty. “What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us,” he writes. “The history of mankind will probably show that no people has ever risen above its religion, and man’s spiritual history will positively demonstrate that no religion has ever been greater than its idea of God.” The Knowledge of the Holy bears eloquent witness to the concept of God’s majesty, encourages reverent meditation on the being of God, and offers a way to bring back spiritual power to our lives.

• “A popular book on the attributes of God, and one that is readable!” — Eternity
• “Recovers lost aspects of the biblical faith for contemporary Christianity.” — Book News Letter

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